Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How May I Help You Feel Better Today?

Our world is a world of energy.

Low vibrations may be described as feelings of depression, anger, frustration, despair, scarcity, dis-ease and the like.

High vibrations may be described as feelings of joy, love, bliss, wealth, health and well-being.

The Law of Attraction has it right in one sense that as an energy broadcaster (either as yourself or physical items, which may absorb energy vibrations and take them on) like attracts like.  Clear Light Energy helps transmute and raise low vibrations to higher vibrations.

So how may I help you feel better with Clear Light Energy today?

1.  You may set up an appointment for us to meet in the physical for a Clear Light Energy Session which will raise the vibe of your physical body, mental body and emotional body.

2.  You may set up an appointment for a distance healing.

3.  You may set up an appointment for me to clear out any negativity from physical object(s) such as your home, car, business, etc. and create a light sphere surrounding the object to help keep the area vibing high for about a month.
     If you own a restaurant, a bar, a motel/hotel or work in real estate, this type of service may be even more beneficial than new paint and the like between tenants/owners.  There is a reason that sometimes alcohol is referred to as spirits.  The presence of alcohol is like a magnet for spirits who don't know how to get to the light.  As bizarre as it may sound, helping you send spirits to the light is sort of a specialty.  I guarantee any present presences will find their way to the light permanently within 24 hours of a session.

4.  You may set up an appointment for assistance with attracting the types of clients you wish to attract.  

5.  You may set up an appointment for assistance with determining which foods are in harmony with your body and which are not.
     NOTE:  This isn't about making certain foods bad or wrong.  This is about clearing up for you which foods naturally nourish you and which do not.  We also discuss ways to clear what you ingest so it will nourish your body and enhance your well-being.
6.  You may set up an appointment for assistance with making choices in alignment with your Highest Good.

7.  Perhaps you are distressed because a loved one or adored pet is currently in the midst of some form of dis-ease and is in need of feeling better.  First, know that feeling bad for them amplifies their low vibration.   You help both of you feel better immediately by sharing compassion, empathy and as much as you are able holding a vision for them of their true well-being self.  You may suggest a clear light energy session to your loved one.  And pets benefit from clear light energy sessions, as well.

As you read the options and begin to relax and realize help is available, that alone helps you feel better and become more open to receiving even more assistance.

If this sounds good to you, please click here to find out more about Clear Light or access paying by Paypal.

Or you may email me at lbjork9999@yahoo.com.

Here's a bonus for reading this far down.

If you would pray for something, what would it be? Or think of it as rubbing a lamp like Aladdin. When you have decided on something, then email me: lbjork9999@yahoo.com

Include the name you are most known by, your birthday (month and day--don't need the year) and if you are able, a photo (although it is not necessary). I simply wish to ensure that I send this energy gift to you and not another being with your same name. Also include in the email that you are writing to receive your free clear light energy grace gift.

Most likely I will send you the energy within 24 hours. So, please be expecting to receive.

Love and light.

To be clear: please do not write to let me know what your prayer/wish is. That is between you and the divine. It is not necessary for me to know, as Clear Light Energy (which is divinely perfect in its intelligence) knows how to accomplish what is for the Highest Good (as that is always my intention).

P.S.  There will most likely not be any additional posts to this blog.  Sometimes less is more when you are using powerful energy.  Mahalo.